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Helium SUP: The new trend sport?

Do you know the feeling, it’s the beginning of April and as the temperatures rise, so does the hunger to finally get back on the SUP board. But even a quick glance at the water temperatures sends a cold shiver down your spine.

That’s exactly how we feel right now. For this reason, we have been looking for a way to finally be back on our SUP without running the risk of falling into the cold water.

At the sight of a balloon in the spring sky, the solution was suddenly obvious. We just have to make the board float. Then you could “paddle” comfortably on land across fields and meadows.

Without further ado, we filled up our paddleboard with helium and thus realized the dream of flying with a SUP.

One has to speak of luck that we took a window seat in physics at school. Only in this way it can be explained that the laws of nature obviously do not apply to us. Unfortunately, the whole thing works only on April 1.

Of course, the whole thing is not possible in reality, so PLEASE do not really try to connect a gas bottle to the SUP. 

The dream is real, we would love to have a SUP board with which we could float in the air. However, some trickery and a lot of computer work was necessary to make the illusion appear halfway realistic.

Below you can see some insights how we filmed the whole thing.

Vor über 10 Jahren stand ich das erste Mal auf einem Surfboard und dieses Gefühl vom “auf dem Wasser stehen”, hat mich seit dem nie mehr losgelassen. Am Anfang war SUP „nur“ die Alternative für Tage ohne Wellen, um trotzdem auf einem Board stehen zu können. Allerdings ist diese „nur Alternative“ mit der Zeit zu einer eigenen Leidenschaft geworden. Deshalb freue ich mich für euch hier über spannende Themen rund um diesen wunderbaren Sport schreiben zu dürfen.

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